Supply Chain Access Control
BoxLock Control
Australia, Canada, Europe, United States
Integration by Partner


  • BoxLock is the leading supply chain access control platform, providing access control, inventory management and audit logging capabilities..
  • BoxLock solutions help increase job site productivity, accountability and security while reducing downtime.
  • The integration between On!Track and BoxLock enables the capabilities for BoxLock's security devices to be used as access control for On!Track Employee badges and dynamic assignments of Tools and Assets.

Integration use cases

  • Employee Badge ID and Scan Code can be used to open BoxLock devices.
  • Bluetooth tags can be scanned by the lock to automatically transfer them to the appropriate location in ON!Track.
  • Barcode items (both, asset and quantity items) can be transferred in ON!Track using the scan on the BoxLock device.
  • Quantity items can be consumed using the scan of the barcode with the lock and adjust the inventory allocation of the quantity items.
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