Service Management
Gossen Metrawatt - IZYTRONIQ
Integration by Partner


Gossen Metrawatt and Hilti ON!Track have created a software partnership, revolutionizing the way electrical testing is conducted with SECUTEST testing devices. This collaboration facilitates the effortless synchronization of your equipment data from Hilti ON!Track directly to your SECUTEST device and enables the export of test results back to Hilti ON!Track.

Key Benefits of the Gossen Metrawatt IZYTRONIQ Cloud and Hilti ON!Track Partnership:

  • Time Efficiency: Manage your equipment data in one solution with automatic synchronization, saving valuable time.
  • Remote Certificate Access: Utilize Hilti ON!Track to easily access your E-Check certificates from anywhere.
  • Service Notifications: Stay informed with Hilti ON!Track notifications for upcoming services, ensuring compliance and up-to-date maintenance.

Integration use cases

  • Centralised data management: Avoid maintaining multiple databases for your tools and other equipment. Consolidate all data in Hilti ON!Track and have it automatically synchronised into your IZYTRONIQ software.
  • Streamlined Testing Process: Seamlessly integrate your SECUTEST devices with Hilti ON!Track, leveraging background synchronization with IZYTRONIQ Cloud for efficient data handling and simplified testing workflows.
  • Accessible Documentation: Easily retrieve E-Check certificates via Hilti ON!Track, streamlining access for audits and quality control processes.
  • Proactive maintenance alerts: Use the Hilti ON!Track notification system to schedule and track regular maintenance and avoid overdue services.

Already an Gossen Metrawatt Customer?

Begin your integration journey immediately by following the Integration Guide to leverage the full potential of the Hilti ON!Track and IZYTRONIQ Cloud collaboration.

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