Release Date: 25.11.2023
Add Attachment to Assets : Customer can now use Unite PUT- /assets/{assetId} to add an attachment to an asset.
Rental APIs : These APIs are targeted for Rental customers to enable them to avail DDS using Runtime Tags.
***Note: These APIs are only available for On!Track Pro customers who have purchased Runtime Tags (available to rental companies only).
- GET API (/runtimedata/{assetId}) to retrieve runtime data for single asset.
- GET API (/runtimedata) to retrieve runtime data for bulk assets.
- GET API (/usage-history/{assetId}) to fetch usage history data for single asset.
- GET API (/usage-history) to fetch usage history data for bulk assets.
List Services Templates : Customers can now get a list of all Service Templates that exist in the system, in a future release this will help a customer link their assets to a service template.
Bug fixing
- PUT - /assets/{assetId} isn't working in case of Storage Assets has been resolved by adding required API usage requirements in the documentation.